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Back in 2014 I was writing poems about some of the more spooky nebulae , such as The Witches Broom and The Flaming Skull, for Hallowe'en. It really happened that as I was researching the details about this amazing flaming skull image on the NASA site, the news of Virgin Galactic's SpaceshipTwo crash dropped into the dialogue box on the right hand side of my screen.

I'm sad to say, one of the two pilots on board was killed in this accident, but the other pilot managed to eject and survived. Needless to say, I was shaken by the coincidence, but decided I wanted to touch on the tragedy in my poem. Consilience Journal has published this poem, From the Flaming Skull Nebula in their new Geoscience issue, online now at:

I'm very taken with this refreshing journal, which is run by a team of editors, who work hard to explore the boundaries between poetry and science. They make themselves available to offer constructive criticism on poems they feel fit within their remit and, in my experience, it makes for an interesting dialogue to work with them.


Updated: Feb 19, 2021

This is Susan and Simon's second Trade Winds Zoom and it's looking like another brilliant line-up. All slots are taken now. Numbers of acts are limited, as it's good to give everyone a chance to shine with more than one poem or song (unless they have an epic poem or lengthy ballad to deliver!) Stories and prose are featured, too. Trade Winds is a tapestry of different talents -- that's the style of it. We aim to have a special feature each time, if we can. This month we'll be putting the spotlight on Haiflu, the haiku project which records the pandemic lockdown in the most sparkling and original films imaginable. Liv Torc, performance poet and inventor of the project will join us to tell us a little more about the development of the haiflu. Liv continues to make her heart-melting weekly films, as we're still stuck in lockdown, so the good news is... everyone can join in! Here's a link to explain how - Haiflu. Eight local haiflu poets will be on hand to deliver you their crystal-cut haiflu gems! This is a free non ticketed event - do come along and see what's afoot on the edge of the Moor on the last day of February. You can message Susan by clicking here to get the Zoom link. Here's the who's who of who's on Haiflu (& other poems, songs etc.) from

Albi Bruce

& our other guests : Edward Aldous Ruth Butler Ian Chamberlain Jeff Cornish Lucia Daramus Shane Edgar Pam Sandry Gorman Susan Jordan Jenny Moon Sam Richards Samantha Rose


Updated: Jan 30, 2021

The last day of January 2021 sees the return of Trade Winds, but on Zoom, which we're taking a deep breath and diving into... for now. Snowdrops are peeping out and Susan and Simon are excited to welcome poets, Edward and Sheila Aldous, Ian Chamberlain, Veronica Gosling, Jean Grimsey, Sue Proffitt, Deborah Harvey, Graham Hodgson, Alwyn Marriage, Christina Siviter plus Alice Courvoisier, Samantha Rose, storytellers, Jeff Cornish- singer songwriter, Carol Ballenger- musician to their eclectic little soiree. Our line-up is complete now... and - wow - it promises to be another wonderful session. If you'd like to go on our reserve list for the evening, please contact Susan on this link here, Also, it's good to point out that Trade Winds is always free, so do come and check it out - it's friendly informal and always fun, but you'll need to get in touch to get the Zoom link prior to the gig. Hoping to hear you, or see you then!


How do poems start as fledgings and where do they go when they fly the nest?

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La Loba

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Trade Winds


Bring flowers on this winter night

where all the garden sleeps

                                beneath its leaves

I ache for the sweet of petal...

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