Rose Rent
Rose Rent
The closest neighbours are birds.
They are not pretentious,
mostly they bathe in puddles on the lane.
It is a private place
where you can listen to grass
rustling in its own hurry;
for growth shoots from blended earth,
bending over its height
in a blossoming wave.
A slow procession of cross the field,
captive here, as the belong to us,
we to them.
We keep the peace the rain gathers;
the sun shines on.
You stand in the field with my cows
as if it’s a dream.
In a couple of days we could cover
my ten years’ farming.
You could tell me the rights and wrongs,
but I belong here.
I only give what it gives,
take what it takes.
I am not with this year’s jargon,
but I love this land, it is my lifecharm.
Flowers of the grassheads
twist in pairs on the wind;
every second as we watch,
nature reaches a climax,
and here is proof for your lapel;
a perfectly wild English rose.
Rose rent is an ancient nominal rental agreement whereby a single rose is tendered as rent on Midsummer’s Day.